Falconry Ethics
This document was developed by the NAFA
Ethics Committee and originally produced in April, 2009 and approved
by the
NAFA Board of Directors on May 21, 2009.
NAFA Policy: 09-004 |
I. |
Use of
Raptors by Falconers |
is taking wild quarry in its natural
state with a trained raptor.
does not include the keeping of
birds of prey as pets or prestige
items, for captive-breeding
purposes, for rehabilitation or
education purposes, for shows,
renaissance fairs and the like, or
for purely scientific purposes.
justification for falconers to
possess raptorial birds is the
sportsmanlike pursuit of wild
they use a natural resource,
falconers have certain obligations
to assure the continued availability
of that resource locally as well as
regionally, nationally, or globally.
future survival of wild
populations of birds of prey,
should temper the activities of
all falconers by using sound
wildlife management principles.
falconer will ensure that raptor
nests are disturbed as little as
possible and will ensure that
all traces of human contact are
removed (through the use of
moth balls, for example).
least one eyass shall be left in
the nest.
to the high natural mortality
rate of young wild raptors and
the fact that wild adult birds
represent breeding stock,
falconers should acquire only
eyass, passage, or
captive-bred birds.
Falconers are totally obligated to
birds in their immediate
possession. Their physical and
psychological welfare is of the
greatest importance.
Falconers should keep only as
many birds as can be cared for
properly and hunted
Unwanted birds should be passed
on to fellow falconers or
released in a manner which will
assure their survival.
Every effort should be made to
recover lost hawks, particularly
imprinted eyasses that become
Falconers should seek the aid of
a competent veterinarian or
other medical help should their
bird become ill or injured.
Falconers should take all
necessary steps to remove or
mitigate the known risks of
electrocution, engine exhaust
(carbon monoxide) poisoning,
injurious squirrel bites,
collisions with fences, injury
due to extremes of temperature,
II. |
Legal Obligations of Falconers |
Falconers must practice falconry in
accordance with existing laws.
State, federal and international
laws which relate to all aspects of
falconry should be understood and
A falconer convicted of a serious
misdemeanor or a felony related to
his falconry activities should
resign from all organized falconry
Illegal forms of commercialism or
trafficking in birds of prey, wild
or captive-bred, are not in the best
interests of falconry or the
falconry community, since they lead
to exploitation of wild populations,
disrespect of the noble raptor, and
damages to the honored sport of
falconry. Falconers should have no
part in such criminal activities.
Any falconer with factual
information concerning illegal
trafficking in birds of prey should
make such information available to
the proper authorities. It is in
the best interests of falconers to
police their own ranks.
Since lawful does not always mean
ethical, falconers will err to the
side of the highest standards of
conduct towards their bird, their
fellow falconers, and the laws of
the land. Just because an activity
is legal does not mean it is always
desirable, ethical, or biologically
In addition, NAFA members have the
obligation to comply with NAFA by-laws, and policies
of the organization.
III. |
NAFA Positions on Ethics of Falconry |
Underlying these positions is the
following definition: “Falconry is
taking wild quarry in its natural state
with a trained raptor."
Raptor Maintenance
NAFA supports falconers in keeping,
within regulatory entitlement, only
those birds (both by species and
numbers) that they can regularly fly
at quarry. It is incumbent upon each
falconer, in addition to meeting
minimal standards required by
regulation, to ensure that his/her
birds are equipped, housed,
and maintained in the manner most
conducive to their individual
well-being. Each falconer is urged
to take all available measures to
minimize the possibility of loss of
his birds and to make every effort
to recover any birds lost. Each
falconer, likewise, is expected to
spare no effort in curing a sick
raptor. He is expected to ensure
that if a raptor is no longer
desired, it is passed on to another
qualified falconer able to fly it at
wild quarry or that it is returned
to the wild with full capability of
sustaining itself.
Compliance with Falconry Laws and
Each falconer is under a moral as
well as a legal obligation to
observe the laws and regulations of
his own and foreign countries with
regard to taking, importing and
exporting raptors, the taking of
quarry, and access to land.
Conservation of Raptors
The well being of our native raptor
populations is fundamental to the
continued practice of falconry. Each
falconer, therefore, should endeavor
to promote the utmost welfare and
survival of these populations in
their wild state in accordance with
accepted precepts of use-management
conservation. NAFA opposes the
taking of haggards, or members of
the wild breeding population, except
under exceptional circumstances,
(such as birds that would be
destroyed due to depredation). NAFA
urges that in taking eyass raptors,
at least one young should be left in
the eyrie/nest unless, again,
exceptional circumstances prevail.
NAFA opposes commercial traffic in
wild-taken North American raptors
regardless of private ownership
status. NAFA does not support the
creation of vendors in wild-taken
raptors or of individual falconers
profiting from the sale of
wild-taken birds.
Fair Chase
Originally, falconry was a means of
providing meat for the falconer’s
table. In its purest form, falconry
is a raptor doing what it does
naturally – hunt its prey – in
cooperation with a human. The laws
of nature decree that a wild raptor
pursuing wild quarry is a fair
chase. Neither side has an unfair
advantage over the other. This is
the purest form of falconry, its
highest ideal and practice. NAFA
holds that modern falconry should be
conducted in this same manner.
Unfair advantage, no matter its
source, should be avoided in favor
of quarry having a fair chance of
escape. This practice of fair chase
is a high calling. Where falconers
adhere to it, the sport of falconry
cannot be judged guilty of acts of
cruelty or inhumane treatment of
The future of falconry rests in the
hands of today’s falconry sponsors. The responsibilities of a sponsor to
the apprentice, and the apprentice’s
bird, are very serious. True
sponsorship requires a high level of
dedication, involvement, and
personal sacrifice. Sponsoring an
apprentice falconer is not to be
taken lightly. It is more than
signing a form. A falconry sponsor
is responsible to the apprentice, to
his/her raptor, and to the rest of
the falconry community. Therefore,
the falconry sponsor should be
scrupulously legal, uncompromisingly
ethical, and continually available
to the apprentice. The falconry
sponsor should be a highly competent
falconer who hunts regularly and who
is always aware of the apprentice’s
activities and the condition of the
apprentice’s bird.
Based on extensive scientific
scrutiny and historic evidence, NAFA
supports the use of non-native
(exotic) raptors - to include
hybrids - in the practice of
falconry in North America. Despite
lack of scientific evidence of any
threat to native avifauna, NAFA
nonetheless counsels against any
deliberate release into the wild of
such raptors. NAFA assumes that
falconers treat exotic raptors no
differently than native raptors,
regardless of the differences in
their legal standing.
Captive Breeding
NAFA recognizes the importance of
captive breeding as a significant
source of birds for both falconry
and release to the wild for
restoration of wild populations,
when necessary. NAFA concurs in the
commercial sale of captive-bred
progeny to appropriately licensed
and qualified recipients as a way to
encourage the production of
captive-bred birds so that they will
be available for both purposes.
Falconers are cautioned about the
dangers of publicity. Those
considering public presentation are
urged to consult NAFA's Public
Information Officer. In general, the only two
acceptable alternatives are the very
highest quality presentation or no
publicity at all. With or without
publicity, application of
discretion, moderation, and common
sense by all falconers will go a
long way toward maintaining a
favorable image of our sport. Activities aimed at, or reasonably
capable of, recruiting new falconers
are to be avoided. Falconry is not
for everyone and the decision to
become an apprentice falconer should
be carefully made. Falconers should
not be overly solicitous when
approached by someone wishing to
become a falconer. Making sure they
understand the true nature and
requirements of falconry is the
primary goal.
Private Ownership of Raptors
NAFA is a strong supporter of
private ownership rights of captive
bred falconry
within the overall
meanings of this policy. From a practical
perspective however, NAFA’s position
is that the well-being of raptors is
a higher priority than the rights of
the falconer. Falconers do not
intentionally place their own
interests above the well-being of
their birds. Therefore, NAFA
supports the current legal
frameworks which allow only duly
licensed persons to possess raptors
for any purpose.
This document was
developed by the NAFA Ethics Committee.
It was originally produced in April, 2009
and approved by the NAFA Board of
Directors on May 21, 2009. |
Copyright © North
American Falconers Association |